30 டிசம்பர் 2011

பேப்பர் அளவுகள் தொடர்ச்சி(2)-இந்தியா

     அன்பு நண்பர்களே,வணக்கம். 
        இங்கு நமது நாட்டில் புழக்கத்தில் உள்ள பேப்பர் அளவுகள் பற்றிய தொடர்ச்சி................(2)..இங்கு காண்போம். 

Newspaper Sizes

The broadsheet newspaper size is the largest of the various newspaper formats and is characterized by long vertical pages. The term derives from types of popular prints – usually just of a single sheet – sold on the streets and containing various types of matter, from ballads to political satire. The first broadsheet newspaper was the Dutch Courante, published in 1618. Newspapers currently using the broadsheet format include; The Daily Telegraph in the UK, The National Post in Canada, Die Zeit in Germany, The Times of India, The Japan Times and USA Today. The Berliner format is used by many European newspapers, including; The Guardian in the UK, Expresso in Portugal, The University Observer in Ireland, Le Monde in France and La Repubblica in Italy. As the term “tabloid” has become synonymous with down-market newspapers in some areas, some small-format papers which claim a higher standard of journalism refer to themselves as “compact” newspapers instead, however both are generally the same size. Some newspapers that use this format include; The Sun and The Times in the UK, NRC Handelsblad in the Netherlands, Berlingske Tidende in Denmark and the Daily Telegraph in Australia.


சுருக்க எழுத்துக்களின் விரிவாக்கம்.

AA- Active Alkali
AAC- Allowable Annual Cut
ABB- Asea Brown Boveri
AC- Alkali Cellulose
ACFM- Actual Cubic Feet per Minute
AD- Air Dry
AFH- Away From Home
AFPA- Alberta Forest Product Association
AF & PA- American Forest and Paper Association
AIChE- American Institute of Chemical Engineers
AICC- Association of Independent Corrugated Converters
AKD- Alkyl Ketene Dimer
A/M- Automatic/Manual
ANSI- American National Standard Institute
AOX- Adsorable Organic Halogen
AOEO- Alternative Offset and Equal Offset
AP- Alkyl Phenol
APE- Alkyl Phenol Etoxylates
APMP- Alkaline Peroxide Mechanical Pulping
APPITA- Technical Association of Australian & New Zealand Pulp & Paper Industry
APP- Ammonium Poly Phosphate, Asian Pulp & Paper, Alkaline Peroxide Pulp
AQ- Anthra Quinone
AR- Adhesive Ratio
ASA- Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride
ASL- Above Sea Level
AST- Activated Sludge Treatment
ASTM- American Society for Testing and Material
ATP- Adenosine Tri-Phosphate

BAT- Best Available Technology
BACT- Best Available Control Technology
BC- Boise Cascade
BCT- Box Compression Test
BCMP- Bisulfite Chemi Mechanical Pulp
BCTMP- Bleached Chemo Thermo Mechanical Pulp
BD- Bone Dry
BDS- Bone Dry Solids
BEKP- Bleached Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp
BF- Bold Face
BKP- Bleached Kraft Pulp
BHP- Brake Horse Power, Boiler Horse Power
BHR- Blow Heart Recovery
B/L or BL- Bleach Loss
BLS- Black Liquor Solids
BMC- Box Manufacturer Certificate
BOD- Biological Oxygen Demand
BPBMA- British Paper & Board Makers Association
BRE- Business Reply Envelope
BSW- Brown Stock Paper
BTU- British Thermal Unit
B/W or BW- Basis Weight
BY- Bleached Yield

C- Chlortination
CAA- Clean Air Act
CB- Coated Back
CCSP- Cold Caustic Soda Pulping
CDT- Corrected Drainage Time
CEPI- Confederation of European Paper Industries
CF- Coated Front
CFB- Coated Front & Back
CFM- Cubic Feet per Minute
C1S- Coated One Side
C2S- Coated Two Side
CGW- Chemi Ground Wood
CHP- Combined Heat & Power
CI- Continuous Improvement
CMC- Carboxy Methyl Cellulose
CMD- Cross Machine Direction
CMMS- Computerized Maintenance Management System
CMP- Chemi Mechanical Pulp
CMT- Corrugated Medium Test, Concora Medium Test
COD- Chemical Oxygen Demand
COF- Coefficient of Friction
CPO- Computer Print Out
CPPA- Canadian Pulp & Paper Association
CPPRI- Central Pulp and Paper Research Institute
CRB- Chemical Recovery Boiler
CRMP- Chemi Refiner Mechanical Pulp
CS- Cast Steel
CSF- Canadian Standard Freeness
CSP- Cold Soda Pulping
CTLF- Chemically Treated Long Fiber
CTMP- Chemo Thermo Mechanical Pulp
CW- Compression Wood
CWSN- Critical Wax Strength Number
CY- Cubic Yard



கருத்துகள் இல்லை:


 நடவடிக்கை கோருதல் மனு 🙏 தமிழார்வலர்கள் அனைவருக்கும்  வணக்கம். மக்களின் அத்தியாவசியச் சேவை நிறுவனமான அன்றாடம் பல்லாயிரக்கணக்கான மக்கள் பயணி...