30 ஜூலை 2014

கால்குலேட்டரின் பட்டன்கள்

        கால்குலேட்டரின் குறியீடுகள் விளக்கம் இது..இதன் விளக்கம் இன்னும் எனக்கு தெளிவாக கிடைக்கவில்லைங்க.தெரிந்தவர்கள் இங்கு பதிவிடலாமே!.

How do you use the MC, MR, MS, and M+ button on a calculator?

I've aways noticed these buttons on calculators, but have never had a reason to use them, I want to know how to each each one. Please provide an example if possible. 
 These buttons work with the calculator's memory, which stores one number:

MC = Memory Clear sets the memory to 0
MR = Memory Recall uses the number in memory, acts as if you had keyed in that number yourself
MS = Memory Store puts the number on the display into the memory
M+ = Memory Add takes the number on the display, adds it to the memory, and puts the result into memory

The buttons can be handy for doing repeated calculations with a single number. For instance, if you wanted to multiply a bunch of numbers by pi, you could key in the following:

3.14159.. MS (stores the number)
4 x MR = (gives you 4 times pi)
25 x 25 x MR = (gives you 25x25 times pi)

The M+ button can be handy for figuring out complicated expressions if you don't happen to have a scientific calculator. For example, to calculate (5 x 6) + (12 x 2) + (3 x 7), you can do the following:

5 x 6 = (calculator says 30)
MS (stores 30 in memory)
12 x 2 = (calculator says 24)
M+ (takes 24, adds it to 30, stores result 54 in memory)
3 x 7 = (21)
M+ (takes 54, adds 21, stores the result 75)
MR (displays the result 75) 
 MC= Memory Clear. this clears all contents of the memory
MR= Memory Recall. This displays the current content in the memory
MS= Memory Save. This saves the current display to memory.
M+= Memory Add. This adds the current figure to the value already present in memory.

C just clears the current display, and you can continue with your calculations just as if you had not typed what you just did. CE clears everything and whatever you input next will start a new calculation 
 Memory Clear
Memory Recall
Memory Save
Memory Add

(Kind of like a hidden tally, when you need to add a lot of numbers)

C clears the whole calculator, CE just clears the last entry, in case you made a mistake while entering a number. 
 mc= memory clear
mr= memory recall
ms= memory save
m+= memory added
c is clear the current function
and ce is clear everything 
 Memory Clear
Memory Recall
Memory Store
M+ can mean the same as MS

Clear Everything (includes memory) 
 MC- Memory Clear
MR- Memory Recall
MS- Memory Store
M+- Add the number stored in memory
C- Clear the number on the screen
CE- Clear Equasion (the problem you have been working) 
 MC=memory clear
MR=memory recall
MS=memory store
M+=adds sum to memory
C=clears everything
CE= clears the error if you punched in a wrong number.
 M+ will add whatever number is on your screen to the memory. If you haven't saved anything to the memory yet, there is 0 in there. Let's say you want to calculate 4/7 + 2/9. First you do 4/7 & the calculator will show 0.571428..... Now you don't have a way to do the second half of this equation without losing this first answer or writing it down. Instead, press M+ and it will now be in the memory. Typically some symbol will show on the screen so you know something is in the memory. Now do the second half of the problem, 2/9 and 0.22222..... will show on the screen. To finish the equation hit +, so now your calculator is ready to add something to 0.222222... and then hit MR (memory recall), and it will put the 0.571428... on the screen, then hit equal & the answer will show up. The 0.571428 is also still in your memory if you need it again. If not, hit MC (memory clear) and it will reset your memory to 0.

One more thing, if you want to add lots of stuff together, like 4/7 + 2/9 + 3/5 + 1/8 + 3/11, each time you divide one of the numbers hit M+ after & it will add that number to what's already in the memory. So you would go 4/7 = M+ 2/9 = M+ 3/5 = M+ 1/8 = M+ 3/11 = M+. Now you can hit MR to see your answer.
what is the difference between the two, and how do you use the MC, MR, MS and M+ functions. My elementary teachers never explained these to me. :( 

One is clear, the other is clear everything. Use clear to just change the last number you put in. Clear everything to start all over again. The other keys relate to memory, of which your calculator seems to be able to store *one* number.
MC clears the memory (sets it to zero)..
MR recalls the memory (puts the number from memory into the display, so that you can add to it or whatever.
MS stores the number on the display into memory.
M+ adds the nmuber on the display to the number in memory  

CE= clear entry, this will only clear your last entry, not the whole equation
C= Clear and it clears everything.

MC = Memory Clear
MR = Memory Reminder
MS = Memory Subtract
M+ = Add to memory 

C - clears the screen
CE - clears the last entry, if doing an addition problem for example

MC - clears the memory
MR - memory recall
MS - memory store: click that then usually 1,2, or 3 to store the number displayed on the screeen

M+ - not really sure

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